The distance of a place north or south of the equator is called ‘latitude.’ If the place is situated at the north of the equator, the distance between them is called northern latitude whereas if the place is located at the south of the equator, it is called southern latitude.
The distance of a place of the world from the Greenwich is called longitude. If the place is situated at the east of the Greenwich, it is called eastern longitude whereas if the place is located at the west of the Greenwich, it is called western longitude.
The difference of a country’s/state’s standard time from GMT (Greenwich) is called Time Zone.
DST stands for Day Light Saving Time. In some countries, the clocks are put ahead by an hour specially in summer.
Altitude means the height of a place above sea level. The height of each and every place of the world can be found out with the help of altimeter or Google Earth.
No. The time of sun rising and sun setting changes only at such high places that are situated at the peaks of mountains or slopes and that are uneven up to the limit of sight either. On the other hand, no change of time takes place at places which are high and almost even up to the limit of sight even if they are situated at the height of thousands of feet. There is no need to enter height into the program for such places. For example, no change of time takes place at Madinah Shareef because it is even though situated at the height of two thousand feet.
Yes. A slight change takes place as the above timings have been obtained on the basis of standard temperature and air pressure. If someone wants to obtain accurate timings of sun rising and sun setting, he can do so by deriving temperature and air pressure at the time of sun rising or sun setting from any weather forecasting website and entering it into the App.
Yes. At low latitude (less than 45°), current timings may be used in the subsequent years as well with the caution of one minute. However, it is better to obtain new timings every year at high latitude.
B.Night stands for Bright Night. In case of selecting Hanafi method, the time of Isha (Hanafi) does not arrive in bright nights as astronomical twilight does not set in bright nights. As Aimma-e-Salasaa and Sahibain are in favour of the verdict that time of ‘Isha starts when the red/nautical twilight sets and Imam-e-Azam رَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعَالٰی عَلَيْه has also mentioned one such narration, therefore, when the time of ‘Isha (Hanafi) does not arrive, select Shafei method and act accordingly.
C. Day and C. Night stand for ‘Continuous Day and Continuous Night respectively.’ As the sun remains constantly risen during these days or constantly set during these nights, the dwellers of such area should offer five daily Salahs on speculated time during these days.